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Oct 02, 2018

informal discussion about coops & the solidarity economy on both sides of the Atlantic

Burlington VT: Conversation with UK Cooperator Cath Muller

7- 9pm at Burlington Cohousing

180 East Ave, Burlington, Vermont 05401

Sep 18, 2018

7.30pm Waterloo Cooperative Residence hosts a presentation & discussion with Cath Muller

Radical Cooperation in the UK, Spain, the US and Waterloo!

Cath is coming to the end of a year-long, low-carbon tour of inspiring cooperative, collective and other solidarity economy projects in Spain & North America.  She will give a quick overview of her own housing & workers coops in Leeds and of the UK's Radical Routes ( mutual aid network of cooperatives working for social change.  There will be plenty of time for discussion about what's going on locally and stories from Cath's experiences over the last year.


Venue: WCRI office, 268 Phillip St, Waterloo

Sep 13, 2018

Bring & share food and conversation at The Hive Housing Coop, Ann Arbor, MI

Ann Arbor exploration of a radical cooperative future

An open invite to hear about Cath's experience and adventures and to share info about what's going on in Ann Arbor, to explore radical cooperation in the past, present and future

Sep 11, 2019

Potluck, presentation & discussion at The Fledge, Lansing, MI

A future of Solidairty and Mutual Aid - a Lansing Conversation

Bring food and friends for a social Potluck, presentation and discussion (even summit?) at The Fledge with Cath Muller

Cath is on an international tour sharing her breadth of experience in radical cooperation while connecting communities committed to solidarity & mutual aid. She is keen to create local, national and international relationships between radical economic and cultural transformation projects and help the sharing of resources, ideas, pitfall-warnings and solutions.

The idea of the evening is to catalyse useful information-sharing, problem-solving and visioning between everyone who turns up.

Cath is spending a year touring Spain and North America
without flying, including a transatlantic hitch from Europe on
sailboats. She is investigating and connecting projects and people that aim to transform society
- from social currencies in Catalunya to egalitarian communes in Virginia
- from an informal latinx mutual savings collective in California to a new black credit union in Minneapolis
- from international platform coops & European tech collectives to sociocracy in Oregon and authentic relating in Texas
- from squatted community gardens in The Canary Islands to Urban Farms in Jackson Miss
- from a collective mental health commune in Madrid to disaster relief in Puerto Rico and political self-defense training in New York.

Aug 22, 2018

Madison Mutual Aid Network monthly meet-up, with Cath Muller

6-8pm - please join us for the Madison MAN Cooperative's monthly social. This one will be at Mickey's Tavern (on the patio, weather permitting) at 1524 Williamson. We'll have a special guest! Cath Muller is joining us from Leeds UK part way through the meeting.

More info:

Aug 21, 2018

Interested in the Solidarity Economy? Meet new & old friends, share ideas, experiences & food

CoMinnesota Social with Cath Muller, 6pm, Shared Capital offices, Minneapolis

Cath will describe projects and experiences from the UK, Spain & North America, and raise thoughts & questions to provoke semi-structured discussion and exploration of ideas and current issues.


You are welcome to bring food or drink to share, but don't worry if you can't manage, there will be enough.


Also, why not pop in to the Coop Partners Warehouse Open House event beforehand, between 2pm and 5pm at 744 vandalia street. Cath and Christina Jennings will be at the Shared Capital offices from 5pm for anyone wanting to come straight there from the open house.

Aug 14, 2018

Meet Cath Muller, who will be discussing her trip and sharing cooperative and collective experiences from around the world

Hot Springs community meeting at the Nyaa Grange Building


Aug 08, 2018

Transition Salt Spring in discussion with Cath Muller, travelling anarcooperator

Islands in a Sea of Capitalism, Salt Spring Island, BC

Social Potluck followed by a Presentation and Discussion with Cath Muller who is on an international tour sharing her breadth of experience in social change while connecting communities committed to cooperation. She is keen to create relationships between the many and help the sharing of resources, ideas, pitfall-warnings and solutions.

May 18, 2018

A workshop to visualise a cooperative future

Creating a Solidarity Economy in the Central Susquehanna Valley

18.30-20.30, 228 North Front Street, Apt 5 (top floor)


Can we build a community that is resilient in the face of  ecological and economic crises? Can we meet each other's needs outside of capitalism? Bring your experiences of and ideas for collectives, campaigns, consensus-based groups, cooperatives and commoning.  Explore synergies between existing groups. I will share examples, ideas and resources from the UK, Spain and the US.


Nov 05, 2017


The last day of the Radical Routes study tour, our small group will be at the fortnightly Can Masdeu social centre day, doing a presentation about what we've learnt over the past few days and also about Radical Routes

What's next?


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24/10   Eurostar to Paris, overnight to La Tour de Carol (Pyrenees), local train to Barcelona on 25th


31/10 - 05/11  Joined by Radical Routes study tour


visits to: Can Tonal/St Antoni de Vallbona; Can Batllo/Coopolis, Som Conexio (Hospital de Llobregat), Can Bee squat nr San Cugat, Can Masdeu, Aurea Social nr Sagrada Familia, Ciutat Invisible, Kop de Ma, Vidalia (Can Vidal colonia), community at Mura, Can Vies, Lacol/La Borda


03/01 - 07/01  BlaBlaCar to Madrid for Visa interview, staying with new-ish community in Perales de Tarjuña.


Visits to: Garaldea, L'Ingobernable, La Canica, NosAltres, 


07/01 - train to Marinaleda


08/01 - BlaBlaCar to Malaga

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